Scrap aluminium prices today & scrap aluminum buyers |, Japan 

Scrap aluminum prices, Japan

Scrap aluminum purchase prices directly depends on the price of aluminum on international metal exchanges. Scrap buyers constantly checking aluminum price changes and adjust purchase prices accordingly. The price of aluminum scrap is also depends by the type of aluminum, the quantity of aluminum scrap, the buyer's pricing, the tax policy applied by the state and other factors. In order to sell aluminum scrap at a high price, you always need to look at the offers of several buyers and compare the proposed aluminum purchase prices for that day. This website allows you to find out what the latest aluminum scrap purchase prices per kg are in real time in different cities and different countries.

Aluminum Scrap Purchase Price in the First Half of 2024


The price of aluminum scrap increased significantly during the first half of 2024. Compared to the beginning of the year, the price of aluminum on metal exchanges rose by about 30% by the end of May. On January 24, 2024, the price of aluminum was around 1970 euros per ton, and by May 29, it had reached as high as 2560 euros per ton. However, during June, the price of aluminum on exchanges decreased by about 12%, down to 2320 euros per ton.
Since aluminum scrap purchase prices directly depend on the price of this metal on the metal exchanges, they also changed accordingly. According to the information from the website, depending on the type of aluminum scrap, the highest purchase prices were recorded in Poland (about 2260 euros per ton) and Turkey (about 2200 euros per ton).

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Purchase price Comments Updated Buyer City
Contacts アルミ・機械コロ 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ・ナベガラ 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ63(A6063 ) 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ・ビス付きサッシ 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ・印刷版 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ・新コロ 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミホイール 1P付物無し 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミホイール 1P付物有り 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ缶・プレス 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ缶・バラ 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミ合金 7000系 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミラジエター 枠無し 2025.01.28 Kyōto
Contacts アルミラジエター 枠付き 2025.01.28 Kyōto
0.61 €/kg no changes アルミガラC_付物あり(金属以外) 2025.01.24 Habikino
2.012 €/kg no changes アルミサッシA_付物なし 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.768 €/kg no changes アルミサッシB_付物あり 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.524 €/kg no changes アルミガラA_付物なし 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.463 €/kg no changes アルミガラB_付物あり(金属) 2025.01.24 Habikino
2.012 €/kg no changes アルミヒートシンク_付物なし 2025.01.24 Habikino
2.073 €/kg no changes アルミホイールA_付物なし 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.951 €/kg no changes アルミホイールB_付物あり 2025.01.24 Habikino
Contacts タイヤ付アルミホイール大(リム径15インチ以上) 2025.01.24 Habikino
Contacts タイヤ付アルミホイール小(リム径15インチ未満) 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.341 €/kg no changes アルミ缶(飲料缶・UBC) プレス物 2025.01.24 Habikino
1.829 €/kg no changes アルミ印刷版(印刷板) 2025.01.24 Habikino
Contacts アルミシュレッダー 2025.01.24 Habikino
0.305 €/kg no changes アルミラジエーター(自動車部品) 2025.01.24 Habikino

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