МетТорг Kaufpreis, КИЇВ | Scrap gold prices Ukraine. Cash for gold Kiev city. We expensive buy g...  

МетТорг 20508/1

ул. Красноармейская 66
КИЇВ, Ukraine
044 289-23-77
Пн - Пт 10:00 - 18:00, Сб 11:00 - 16:00
Scrap gold prices Ukraine. Cash for gold Kiev city. We expensive buy gold, silver, platinum, palladium. Our company is engaged in the purchase of precious metals - gold, silver, platinum and palladium in any quantity, type and condition: jewelry, bank bars, investment and antique coins, silverware, technical and jewelry scrap, platinum and palladium laboratory glassware and other products. The price of precious metals is not constant and may decrease or increase. It is impossible to guess what the value of the precious metal will be tomorrow. You can familiarize yourself with the prices for precious metals for today by going to the relevant sections or call back by the phones indicated in the title of the page and get a preliminary consultation.
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.02.04
Goldpreis ankauf
70.242 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 875 (21 карат)
70.242 €/g price up
Price change Стоматологи­ческое (коронки)
61.938 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 750 (18 карат)
48.443 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 585 (14 карат)
48.443 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 583
30.911 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 375
27.566 €/g price up
Price change Проба золота 333
Проба золота 999
Проба золота 900
Проба золота 916, 917
Проба золота 958

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.