Демонтажники ру Supirkimo kainos, Санкт-Петербург | Scrap metal prices in Russia. Cash for scrap metal St. Petersburg city...  

Демонтажники ру 42541/2

ул. Магнитогорская 30
Санкт-Петербург, Rusija
+7 (904) 644-2-644
I - V 09:00 - 21:00
Scrap metal prices in Russia. Cash for scrap metal St. Petersburg city. The purchase and removal of scrap metal is one of the main activities of our company. Many large enterprises are our regular clients in St. Petersburg. Removal of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and industrial metal waste requires additional labor resources and large equipment. Enterprises do not always have the opportunity to independently clean up the territory of a production facility from unnecessary ballast. Therefore, cooperation with us is always beneficial. We carry out on our own the cutting, loading and removal of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap. We have no restrictions on the export of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap. For large volumes, we negotiate the terms of export individually with each client in order to offer the most favorable prices for you. Even during the existence of the Soviet Union, ferrous scrap was declared a strategic raw material. Thanks to state planning, all industries working with metal were required to hand over a certain amount of scrap metal to the processing enterprises of Vtorchermet. To date, there are no such obligations for them, and scrap processing enterprises are forced to look for sources of recycled metals themselves. That is why one of the popular advertisements on the Internet is |buy scrap metal|. The proposal of the head of the First Freight Company (PGK) Vladimir Lisin to allow extending the service life of freight cars after undergoing scheduled repairs was not accepted. Officials disagreed on the interpretation of the legislation, and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and railway rolling stock operators accuse each other of dragging out the certification procedure. We all now live in a market economy. Any production proceeds primarily from the concepts of 'profitable-unprofitable'. Everyone is used to counting money, every ruble counts. For a long time no one allows himself to mismanage the squandering of funds and resources. Metallurgy is no exception in this regard. One of the main ways to save money on energy for steelmaking is to use ferrous scrap as a raw material. Therefore, among the majority of metallurgical plants, the purchase of metal as scrap metal is practiced.
Currency converter

Atnaujinta: 2025.02.03
Akumuliatorių supirkimo kainos
0.469 €/kg no changes
Price change АКБ полипропилен, слитые - наличный расчёт
0.423 €/kg no changes
Price change АКБ эбонитовые (слитые) - наличный расчёт
Aliuminio laužo supirkimo kainos
0.823 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминий электротех - наличный расчёт
0.803 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминиевый профиль АД31 - наличный расчёт
0.793 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминий пищевой - наличный расчёт
0.697 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминий АМГ - наличный расчёт
0.674 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминий микс - наличный расчёт
0.674 €/kg no changes
Price change алюминий моторка - наличный расчёт
0.441 €/kg no changes
Price change стружка алюминиевая - наличный расчёт
Elektronikos laužo supirkimo kainos
0.065 €/kg no changes
Price change стиральные машины - 12АН
0.065 €/kg no changes
Price change холодильники - 12АН
Metalo laužo supirkimo kainos
0.155 €/kg no changes
Price change Стальной кусковой лом - 3A
0.155 €/kg no changes
Price change Стальной негабаритный лом - 5A
0.065 €/kg no changes
Price change Автотранспортные ср-ва - 12АН
0.065 €/kg no changes
Price change Автотранспортные ср-ва - 12АН
0.058 €/kg no changes
Price change 16A - Стальная стружка
Nerūdijančio plieno supirkimo kainos
0.548 €/kg no changes
Price change 10% Ni (габарит) 3Б26-10 - наличный расчёт
0.45 €/kg no changes
Price change 8% Ni габарит - наличный расчёт
0.441 €/kg no changes
Price change Нержавеющая сталь 10% Ni 16Б26-10 - наличный расчёт
0.353 €/kg no changes
Price change Нержавеющая сталь 8% Ni 16Б26-8 - наличный расчёт
Vario laužo supirkimo kainos
2.672 €/kg no changes
Price change медь блеск - наличный расчёт
2.408 €/kg no changes
Price change медь кусок - наличный расчёт
2.399 €/kg no changes
Price change медь микс - наличный расчёт
2.223 €/kg no changes
Price change стружка медная - наличный расчёт
Žalvario, bronzos supirkimo kainos
1.478 €/kg no changes
Price change бронза кусок - наличный расчёт
1.429 €/kg no changes
Price change латунные радиаторы - наличный расчёт
1.419 €/kg no changes
Price change наличный расчёт - бронза стружка
1.351 €/kg no changes
Price change латунь микс - наличный расчёт
1.243 €/kg no changes
Price change латунь стружка - наличный расчёт

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.