JARÝ s. r. o. Köppris, Pardubice | Scrap metal buyer in Czech Republic, Pardubice city. Ecological dispos...  

JARÝ s. r. o. 7690/31

Scrap metal buyer in Czech Republic, Pardubice city. Ecological disposal of vehicles. Car wreck removal from your home. Take-back of car batteries. Demolition of buildings and technological units. Collection of material and container service. Purchase of old paper. Purchase of catalysts. We buy scrap iron from small customers and companies. The price and other treatment methods are determined according to the nature, type and amount of metal waste. And that in compliance with all regulations resulting from the law and the ISO 9001:2016 and ISO 14001:2016 system with maximum regard for environmental protection. For companies that process metal materials, we provide the purchase of metal waste at higher prices, including delivery of the container. The metal waste that you bring to us must not contain substances harmful to health, explosives, emitting dangerous radiation and other goods that could endanger the health and safety of people, the environment or cause damage during further handling and processing. Our quality policy is primarily focused on providing products that meet the requirements of our customers as much as possible in order to preserve the company's traditionally good brand name. We want to provide our customers with products at the highest possible quality level and meeting all the requirements of the relevant technical regulations. We want to achieve the high quality of our products primarily by: constantly improving the quality management system, by stabilizing the company's workforce, improving management processes and constantly improving the professional qualifications of all employees. We will always act fairly with our suppliers and customers and we will always strive to improve mutual communication and supplier-customer relations. In the current challenging competitive environment, we want to: remain at the forefront of product providers in the area of purchase, processing and sale of scrap metal and road transport and other related services in the region and on the territory of the Czech Republic, maintain and constantly increase the advanced level of technical background in the area of supply of components for the provided product and other related services from leading domestic and foreign suppliers. Based on this quality policy, we will set quantified and time-bound quality goals for each calendar year.
Currency converter

Last updated: 2025.02.04
Aluminiumskrot pris
1.707 €/kg price up
Price change Al izoprofil
1.27 €/kg no changes
Price change Al plech nový, starý, trubky, nádobí
1.032 €/kg no changes
Price change Al litý starý do 5% Fe
0.993 €/kg no changes
Price change Al špony (do 5% vlhkosti)
0.913 €/kg no changes
Price change Al folie čistá/barevná
0.913 €/kg no changes
Price change Al žaluzie
0.913 €/kg no changes
Price change Al chladič bez Fe
0.794 €/kg no changes
Price change Al elektro drát mastný
0.595 €/kg no changes
Price change Al elektro drát opřádaný
0.118 €/kg no changes
Price change Al kabely demolice MIX (dle výtěžnosti) až
Al spalovací motory, Al převodovky (bez náprav, výfuků)
Bilbatteri skrotpris
0.556 €/kg no changes
Price change Olověné akumulátory
0.477 €/kg no changes
Price change Olověné trakční baterie kompletní trakce
Ni / Cd akumulátory
Blyskrot pris
1.469 €/kg no changes
Price change Olovo kusové
0.476 €/kg no changes
Price change Automobilová pneu závaží Pb,Zn čistá bez Fe
0.278 €/kg no changes
Price change Automobilová pneu závaží mix Pb+Zn+Fe
Automobilová pneu závaží Pb s Fe pérkem, Zn s Fe pérkem
Elektronikskrot priser
0.139 €/kg no changes
Price change Bílá technika - bojler, myčka, sporák
0.04 €/kg no changes
Price change Elektronika - vyřazené elektronické spotřebiče
Inköpspriser på katalysatorer
Kopparskrot pris
7.265 €/kg price up
Price change Cu mix (opal., lak., kus., plech nový, plech starý, vlas.)
6.55 €/kg price up
Price change Cu třísky (čisté bez příměsí)
6.55 €/kg price up
Price change Cu drát opřádaný, věnce, karmy
3.414 €/kg price up
Price change Al - Cu chladiče
2.302 €/kg no changes
Price change Cu kabely demolice MIX (dle výtěžnosti) až
0.715 €/kg price up
Price change Elektromotory MIX nefunkční, k dalšímu využití (max. 300kg/ks)
0.437 €/kg no changes
Price change Kompresory ledničkové
0.199 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-17b - Těžký železný odpad betonářská ocel (roxory)
0.199 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-17a - Těžký železný odpad tl. min. 4mm neupravený rozměr 5500x800x500mm
0.199 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-05 - Litina strojní - soustruh, lisy
0.179 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-27 - Lehký železný odpad tl. max. 4mm neupravený ocel. odpad lehký včetně stočených lan a drátů
0.119 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-07 - Litinové třísky
0.119 €/kg no changes
Price change Fe-28 - Lehký železný odpad tl. max. 4mm neupravený nízká čistota
0.107 €/kg no changes
Price change kompletní autovrak (včetně originálního katalyzátoru)
Skrotpris mässing
4.367 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosaz, kondezátorové trubky
4.367 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosaz vlasová
4.168 €/kg no changes
Price change Ms-Cu chladiče (bez Fe)
3.374 €/kg no changes
Price change Mosaz třísky rafinační
0.437 €/kg no changes
Price change Chladič Ms-Fe (včetně Ms vaničky)
0.278 €/kg no changes
Price change Chladič Ms-Fe (bez Ms vaničky)
Mosaz promíchaná, netříděná, 1%Fe (!bez nábojnic)
Skrotpris rostfritt stål
0.993 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerez - nemag. MIX průměrný obsah Ni 18/8,5%
0.833 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerez nemagnetické špony (čisté bez Fe příměsí, emulze)
0.278 €/kg no changes
Price change Nerez Magnetická 12-18% Cr

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.