MADI Metall Recycling GmbH Preț, Hamburg | Scrap metal yard in Hamburg city, Germany. Upon delivery, the scrap me... 

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MADI Metall Recycling GmbH 1111/8

Billwerder Steindamm 15
Hamburg, Germania
+49 4181 2173124
Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00, Sa 09:00 - 13:00
Scrap metal yard in Hamburg city, Germany. Upon delivery, the scrap metal is sorted, evaluated and weighed by our professional employees. The company pays very good scrap metal prices for all scrap metal - regardless of whether we pick it up or whether you bring it in yourself. But if you take over the transport and take the time to bring the scrap metal over yourself, company can to offer you significantly higher prices for your metals. You can now also bring them your electronic scrap to their location in Hamburg-Hammerbrook. So bring on the old washing machines, electric stoves, toasters and broken circuit boards.
Currency converter
Pret Alamă fier vechi
4 €/kg no changes
Price change Messingschrott
Pret cupru fier vechi
6.2 €/kg no changes
Price change Kupferschrott
4 €/kg no changes
Price change Kabelschrott
Pret fier vechi
0.27 €/kg no changes
Price change Stahlschrott - Bremsscheiben

* - Specify prices directly with the buyer! Available inaccuracies of currency conversion.