Worldwide deforestation has reached 6.6 million hectares | 

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Worldwide deforestation has reached 6.6 million hectares


Worldwide deforestation has reached 6.6 million hectares

WE ARE IN A CRISIS: The world remains off track to reach the goals of halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation by 2030 - published on the website
In 2022, global gross deforestation reached 6.6 million hectares worldwide and was 21 percent higher than needed to eliminate deforestation by 2030. The loss of primary tropical forests reached 4.1 million hectares and is even further off track—the loss was 33 percent higher than the needed trajectory to halt primary forest loss by the end of the decade.
This backslide puts forest goals even farther out of reach after the small but insufficient progress made in 2021.

The Forest Declaration Assessment Partners have said it before:
Nothing less than a radical transformation of development pathways, finance flows, and governance effectiveness and enforcement is required to shift the world’s trajectory to achieve the 2030 forest goals.

Through a comprehensive analysis across four main chapters-- Overarching forest goals (Theme 1), Sustainable production and development (Theme 2), Finance for forests (Theme 3), and Forest governance (Theme 4), along with 7 country case studies and a set of Recommendations—the 2023 Forest Declaration Assessment sheds light on the state of global forest action.

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