Stainless steel scrap buyers & scrap stainless steel prices near me today |, Austria 

Stainless steel scrap prices, Austria

Scrap of stainless steel purchase prices directly depend on the price of nickel (Ni) on international metal exchanges. Scrap stainless steel which contains more nickel, always has a higher price. Also, the price of stainless steel scrap is higher, which contains molybdenum (Mo) and chromium (Cr). In order to sell stainless steel scrap at a high price, you always need to look at the offers of several buyers and compare the offered prices for stainless steel scrap that day. This website provides the latest stainless steel scrap purchase prices per kg in real time in different cities and countries.

Stainless Steel Scrap Price: Trends and Influencing Factors in 2024



Stainless steel scrap price: Trends and influencing factors in 2024

Stainless steel scrap is an important category of secondary raw materials whose price and market trends can have a significant impact on both the industrial sector and individual sellers. In May 2024, the price of nickel on metal exchanges reached more than 21,550 USD/t. However, this wave of price increases was short-lived, and the price of nickel soon returned to its previous level. Since the price of stainless steel scrap is directly related to the price of nickel, the prices of this scrap have remained relatively stable.

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Purchase price Comments Updated Buyer City
0.9 €/kg no changes Edelstahl V2A Schrott 2025.01.30 Linzerberg
1.2 €/kg no changes Edelstahl V4 Schrott 2025.01.30 Linzerberg
0.5 €/kg no changes Niro ohne Anhaftungen 2025.01.21 Hagenbrunn
0.08 €/kg no changes Cr-Stahl > 13 % Chrominhalt 2025.01.20 Knittelfeld
0.8 €/kg no changes Edelstahl hitzebeständig 2025.01.20 Knittelfeld
0.379 €/kg price up Edelstahl Niro V2A Späne 2025.01.20 Knittelfeld
0.606 €/kg price up Edelstahl Niro V2A 2025.01.20 Knittelfeld
0.944 €/kg price up Edelstahl Niro V4A 2025.01.20 Knittelfeld
0.58 €/kg no changes Edelstahl V2A, Nirost 2025.01.07 Schwaz
1.05 €/kg no changes Edelstahl V4A 2025.01.07 Schwaz
0.41 €/kg no changes Edelstahl späne 2025.01.07 Schwaz

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